Ben Greiner

Short Curriculum Vitae

Employment positions
Since 07/2016
09/2008 - 06/2016
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer & Associate Professor @ University of New South Wales, School of Economics
08/2006 - 08/2008
CLER Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ Harvard Business School
08/2003 - 07/2006
03/2002 - 07/2003
Research Fellow (Ph.D. student) @ Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group, Jena, Germany
Other positions
Since 04/2020
AE @ Dep. BE & DecSci, Dep. MD, P&D Analytics, Management Science
2020 - 2024
Code and Data Editor @ Management Science
Visiting positions
Committee member
@ ESA: Executive Committee (2017-2020), Ad-hoc committee for ethics codex (2020-2021), @ Verein for Socialpolitik: Ethics committee (since 2021), Social Science Committee (since 2019)
Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D.) in Economics (s.c.l.), University of Cologne
10/1995 - 03/2002
Business Administration, Humboldt-University Berlin, 2002 degree as Diplom-Kaufmann

What I do

  • reading journal articles and working papers to keep up with current research;
  • attending research seminars and give comments, interacting with visiting researchers;
  • writing grant proposals to finance research and research staff, submitted to funding agencies, government, etc.;
  • doing research (getting ideas, thinking through it theoretically, obtaining data or designing experiments, writing instructions and scripts, programming experiments, recruiting subjects, running sessions, analyzing data, documenting everything);
  • learning about new research and analysis methods;
  • writing papers about research, submit these papers to journals, revise these papers and respond to reviewer comments, and finally publish them;
  • traveling to other universities to collaborate with researchers there, or meeting collaborators virtually;
  • traveling to conferences to give conference presentations, traveling to other universities to give invited seminar talks;
  • communicating to outside academia through organizing outreach events, giving interviews to newspapers and TV, writing newspaper or blog articles, ...;
  • advising government agencies, consulting companies;
  • writing reports about my research activity for funding agencies;
  • organizing research seminars, inviting external speakers and visitors;
  • organizing conferences and workshops;
  • peer-reviewing papers for academic journals and for grant applications (e.g. EU or other organizations);
  • editing journals (reading papers and reviewer reports; recommending rejections, revisions and acceptances; reviewing data sets and replication materials);
  • serving on other expert panels, boards, committees;
  • developing research software, providing software support;
  • teaching classes, preparing lecture slides and assessment tasks, communicating with students, revising materials, grading;
  • reviewing and designing new courses and programs;
  • supervising Bachelor and Master theses;
  • guiding, advising, and supervising PhD students and other junior researchers and their research projects;
  • serving on PhD student committees, assessing PHD theses;
  • writing recommendation letters for Bachelor, Master, and PhD students as well as junior researchers on the job market;
  • managing university institutions (competence center, institute) and research grants, and their budgets;
  • negotiating with university administration about resources;
  • hiring people: advertising, interviewing, deciding, writing hiring reports;
  • managing people, preparing and leading team meetings;
  • writing reports about the activity of the institutions I lead;
  • helping develop policies (lab usage, ethics rules);
  • participating in department and university self-administration;
  • serving on internal university committees, including professor hiring committees;
  • serving on committees and leadership positions in professional societies/organizations.
And yes, work in academia is never done; it never ends. There is always another thing to do.

Research topics

Refereed journal articles
Refereed journal articles
  • 05Fixing feedback revision rules in online markets. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(2), 2023, 247-256 (with Gary Bolton, Kevin Breuer, and Axel Ockenfels). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 06On the Internet you can be anyone: An experiment on strategic avatar choice in online marketplaces. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 206, 2023, 251-261 (with Diya Abraham and Marianne Stephanides). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 07Time Inconsistency, Sophistication, and Commitment - An Experimental Study. Economics Letters, 203, 2021, Article 109982 (with Qing Zhang). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 08Individual, Dictator, and Democratic punishment in public good games with perfect and imperfect observability. Journal of Public Economics, 178, 2019, Article 104053 (with Attila Ambrus). [Article] [Working Paper]
Refereed journal articles
Refereed journal articles
Refereed journal articles
Refereed journal articles
  • 21The Dynamic Interplay of Inequality and Trust - An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 81, 2012, 355-365 (with Axel Ockenfels and Peter Werner). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 22Wage Transparency and Performance: A Real-Effort Experiment. Economics Letters 111, 2011, 236-238 (with Axel Ockenfels and Peter Werner). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 23From the Lab to the Field: The Economics of Trust. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Special Issue 49, 2009, 219-242 (with Axel Ockenfels). (In German. Original title: "Vom Labor ins Feld: Die Ökonomik des Vertrauens".)
  • 24Herding, Social Preferences and (Non-)Conformity. Economics Letters 97(1), 2007, 74-80 (with Luca Corazzini). [Article] [Working Paper]
Refereed journal articles
Books & chapters in books
  • 27 Engineering Cooperation: The Behavioral Design of Reputation Systems. Chapter 51 in: S. Chuah, R. Hoffmann, and A. Neelim (eds.): Elgar Encyclopedia of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 2025 (with Gary Bolton and Axel Ockenfels). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 28How to design trust on market platforms? In: ZfbF-Sonderheft vol 75, Management Digitaler Plattformen, 2021, 61-76 (with Timm Teubner and Christof Weinhardt). [Article] [Working Paper]
  • 29Experimental Procedures: Subject Pools and Recruitment. In: Arthur Schram and Aljaž Ule (eds.): Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics, Edward Elgar, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7881-1055-6 (with Marianne Stephanides). [Link to publisher]
  • 30Grundfragen der Plattformökonomie – Wie man Vertrauen designt. In: Uwe Blaurock, Martin Schmidt-Kessel and Katharina Erler (eds.): Plattformen - Geschäftsmodell und Verträge, Schriften der Ernst von Caemmerer Stiftung vol. 10, Nomos, 2018, ISBN 978-3-8487-5057-3 (with Timm Teubner and Christof Weinhardt). [Link to publisher]
Books & chapters in books
  • 31Challenges for Market and Institutional Design when Countering Exploitation Strategies. In: L-A. Giraldeau, P. Heeb, and M. Kosfeld (eds.): Investors and Exploiters in Ecology and Economics: Principles and Applications. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 21 (J. Lupp, series editor), MIT Press, 2017, 171-187 (with Gigi Foster and Paul Frijters).
  • 32Exploitative Strategies: Consequences for Individual Behavior, Social Structure, and Design of Institutions. In: L-A. Giraldeau, P. Heeb, and M. Kosfeld (eds.): Investors and Exploiters in Ecology and Economics: Principles and Applications. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 21 (J. Lupp, series editor), MIT Press, 2017, 205-214 (with A. J. King, M. Kosfeld, S. R. X. Dall, T. Kameda, K. Khalmetski, W. Leininger, C. Wedekind, and B. Winterhalder).
  • 33The 1-800 critique, counter-examples, and the future of behavioral economics. In: G. Frechette and A. Schotter (eds.): The Methods of Modern Experimental Economics, Oxford University Press, 2015, 151-165 (with Ido Erev). [Article]
  • 34Internet Auctions. In: M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 306-342 (with Axel Ockenfels and Karim Sadrieh).
Books & chapters in books
  • 35Learning to Bid in Markets with Reputation Information. In: W. Franz, H. J. Ramser, and M. Stadler (eds.): Experimental Economics, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren, Vol 38, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2009 (with Felix Lamouroux and Axel Ockenfels).
  • 36Experimental Studies on Solidarity. Logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 3-8325-1337-X. 2006. [Link to publisher]
  • 37An Online Recruitment System for Economic Experiments. In: Kurt Kremer, Volker Macho (Hrsg.): Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen. GWDG Bericht 63. Ges. für Wiss. Datenverarbeitung, Göttingen, 2004, 79-93. [Article]
  • 38The Virtual Laboratory Infrastructure for Controlled Online Economic Experiments. In: Kurt Kremer, Volker Macho (Hrsg.): Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen. GWDG Bericht 62, 59-73. Ges. für Wiss. Datenverarbeitung, Göttingen, 2002 (with H.-Arno Jacobsen and Carsten Schmidt). [Article]


Current term
  • WU Bachelor - SBWL Decision Sciences - Game Theory I
  • WU Bachelor - SBWL Decision Sciences - Negotiation Theory and Practice
  • WU SIMC Master - Thesis Course
  • WU PhD - Dokoratskurs Markets and Strategy

  • WU Bachelor - SBWL Decision Sciences - Game Theory I
  • WU Bachelor - SBWL Decision Sciences - Game Theory II
  • WU Bachelor - SBWL Decision Sciences - Project course
  • WU Bachelor - SBWL Decision Sciences - Negotiation Theory and Practice
  • WU Bachelor - Elective - The Art of The Deal: Negotiation analysis and practice
  • WU SIMC Master - Managerial Economics
  • WU SIMC Master - Thesis Course
  • WU SIMC Master - Professional Development Workshop
  • WU PhD - Experimental Methods in Business and Economics
  • WU PhD - Dokoratskurs Markets and Strategy
  • UNSW Master - Economics of Strategy
  • UNSW Bachelor - Principles of Experimental and Behavioural Economics
  • UNSW PhD - Advanced Experimental and Behavioural Economics
  • UNSW PhD - Policy Evaluation Methods


Online Recruitment System for Economic Experiments

ORSEE is a web-based Online Recruitment System, specifically designed for organizing economic experiments. It's key features include support for multiple experimenters, laboratories, subjectpools, languages etc.; attribute query selection; random subsample recruitment; public and internal experiment calendar; reputation system; automated mailing;, pdf output; experimenter rights management; etc. The aims of ORSEE are to simplify the organization of economic laboratory experiments, to standardize the procedures of experiment organization, to depersonalize the experimenter-subject interaction, and to provide information and statistics about the subject pool. ORSEE is for free, it is published under a proprietary open source license.

Talks and Seminars

2002: MPI Econ Jena, Strasbourg (ESA conf), U Halle Wittenberg (GEW conf); 2003: Humboldt-U Berlin, MPI Econ Jena, U Erfurt (ESA conf); 2004: Amsterdam (ESA conf), U Cologne; 2005: U Cologne (GEW conf), McGill U/Cirano MontrÈal (ESA conf); 2006: Harvard U Econ, HBS NOM, U Magdeburg (GEW conf); 2007: Harvard U Econ, HBS, Penn State U, U Arizona Tucson (ESA conf); 2008: 2 x ANU Canberra (RSSS, Econ & Democracy conf), Royal Holloway U London, U Copenhagen, UC Santa Barbara, U Lausanne, 2x UNSW, U Sydney; 2009: BCG Sydney, HU Berlin, U Arizona (ESA conf), U Canterbury (4. AWEE), U Cologne, U Melbourne; 2010: U Arizona (ESA conf), U Copenhagen (ESA conf), Queensland UT, U Sydney, U Tilburg; 2011: ANU, Deakin U, Monash U (2x: Uni + ANZWEE 2011), U Arizona (ESA conf), U Chicago (ESA conf), U Cologne, U Nottingham Malaysia Campus (APESA conf), UNSW, U South Australia, U Technology Sydney, Xiamen Univewrsity (APESA conf); 2012: ETH Zurich, Humboldt U Berlin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (GfEW conf), Queensland UT (QuBE workshop), Stockholm School of Economics, U Arizona (ESA conf), U Cologne (2x: Uni + ESA conf), U Mannheim, UNSW (auctions workshop), U Paderborn, U Queensland, UT Dallas, WZB Berlin; 2013: CEU Budapest, Ben Gurion U, Humboldt U Berlin, Queensland UT (ANZWEE2013), Simon-Fraser-U Vancouver, Stanford U, U Auckland, UC Santa Cruz (ESA conf), U Cologne, UNSW, U Sydney, U Zurich (ESA conf); 2014: Florida State U (ESA conf); U Auckland (APESA conf), U Melbourne, UNSW (ASBLab mini conference), U Sydney, UT Dallas (workshop), UTS Sydney, WU Wien; 2015: Berlin Behavioral Economics Seminar (WZB Berlin), Heidelberg U (ESA conf), Hamburg U (GfEW conference), LMU München, UNSW (CEPAR workshop), UT Sydney (ESA conf); 2016: AEA Meetings San Francisco, U Amsterdam, U Arizona (ESA conf.), U Cologne (Design & Behavior wokshop, health econ workshop), U Sydney; 2017: Masaryk U, U Adelaide, U Alicante, U Bayreuth, U Linz, UNSW, U Vienna; 2018: Bilkent U, Brisbane (ESA conf), Humboldt U Berlin (ESA conf), Masaryk U, U Copenhagen (workshop), U Innsbruck, U Ulm; 2019: AEA Meetings Atlanta, New York U, NYU Abu Dhabi (ESA conf), Simon-Fraser-U (ESA conf), U Dijon (ESA conf), U Duisburg-Essen (VfS workshop), U Geneva, U Graz (NOeG conf), U Mannheim, U Stuttgart, U Toronto; 2020: Middlebury College (MiddleExLab), HU Berlin (VfS workshop), U College Dublin (workshop), U Gothenburg, U Maastricht, U Venice Ca' Foscari; 2021: Budapest Games 2020 conference, EMLV Business School Paris, ESA Global Online Meeting, George Mason U, Young Economists Meeting at Masaryk U, Brno (keynote), Prague University of Economics and Business, U Konstanz, U Minho (NIPE, Braga), U Sydney (Sydney experimental seminar); 2022: Free U Berlin, IMT Lucca, U Amsterdam (CREED), U Bologna (European ESA meeting), U Innsbruck, Europan Actuarial Academy (Online: Convention A - Connecting Knowledge); 2023: Corvinius U, NYU Abu Dhabi, U Econ Bratislava, U Hamburg, U Lyon (ESA conf), UNSW; 2024: FU Berlin, GATE Lyon, HU Berlin, Queensland UT (FUR conf), UNSW, U Salzburg; 2025: ... invite me! ;-) .

Conference and workshop organization

  • 2023 Workshop on Interactions of Humans and Algorithms, TU Berlin
    (with Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel, Dorothea Kübler, and Michel Tolksdorf)
  • 2020 ESA Global Online Around-the-Clock Meetings, Organizing Committee
  • 2018 Workshop Cooperation for Exploitation, WU Vienna
  • 2017 European Meeting of the Economic Science Association (ESA), WU Vienna
  • 2017 Austrian Experimental Economics Workshop, WU Vienna (with Rupert Sausgruber)
  • 2012 Auctions workshop at UNSW Sydney (with Paul Pezanis-Christou)
  • 2010 Australia New Zealand Workshop in Experimental Economics (ANZWEE), UNSW Sydney (with Andreas Ortmann)

Academic consulting

  • Public Austrian Health Insurance
  • Federal Chancellery of Austria
  • Austrian Department for Women, Family, and Youth
  • eBay International
  • RWE Energy
  • Australian Department of Climate Change
