2002: MPI Econ Jena, Strasbourg (ESA conf), U Halle Wittenberg (GEW conf); 2003: Humboldt-U Berlin, MPI Econ Jena, U Erfurt (ESA conf); 2004: Amsterdam (ESA conf), U Cologne; 2005: U Cologne (GEW conf), McGill U/Cirano MontrÈal (ESA conf); 2006: Harvard U Econ, HBS NOM, U Magdeburg (GEW conf); 2007: Harvard U Econ, HBS, Penn State U, U Arizona Tucson (ESA conf); 2008: 2 x ANU Canberra (RSSS, Econ & Democracy conf), Royal Holloway U London, U Copenhagen, UC Santa Barbara, U Lausanne, 2x UNSW, U Sydney; 2009: BCG Sydney, HU Berlin, U Arizona (ESA conf), U Canterbury (4. AWEE), U Cologne, U Melbourne; 2010: U Arizona (ESA conf), U Copenhagen (ESA conf), Queensland UT, U Sydney, U Tilburg; 2011: ANU, Deakin U, Monash U (2x: Uni + ANZWEE 2011), U Arizona (ESA conf), U Chicago (ESA conf), U Cologne, U Nottingham Malaysia Campus (APESA conf), UNSW, U South Australia, U Technology Sydney, Xiamen Univewrsity (APESA conf); 2012: ETH Zurich, Humboldt U Berlin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (GfEW conf), Queensland UT (QuBE workshop), Stockholm School of Economics, U Arizona (ESA conf), U Cologne (2x: Uni + ESA conf), U Mannheim, UNSW (auctions workshop), U Paderborn, U Queensland, UT Dallas, WZB Berlin; 2013: CEU Budapest, Ben Gurion U, Humboldt U Berlin, Queensland UT (ANZWEE2013), Simon-Fraser-U Vancouver, Stanford U, U Auckland, UC Santa Cruz (ESA conf), U Cologne, UNSW, U Sydney, U Zurich (ESA conf); 2014: Florida State U (ESA conf); U Auckland (APESA conf), U Melbourne, UNSW (ASBLab mini conference), U Sydney, UT Dallas (workshop), UTS Sydney, WU Wien; 2015: Berlin Behavioral Economics Seminar (WZB Berlin), Heidelberg U (ESA conf), Hamburg U (GfEW conference), LMU München, UNSW (CEPAR workshop), UT Sydney (ESA conf); 2016: AEA Meetings San Francisco, U Amsterdam, U Arizona (ESA conf.), U Cologne (Design & Behavior wokshop, health econ workshop), U Sydney; 2017: Masaryk U, U Adelaide, U Alicante, U Bayreuth, U Linz, UNSW, U Vienna; 2018: Bilkent U, Brisbane (ESA conf), Humboldt U Berlin (ESA conf), Masaryk U, U Copenhagen (workshop), U Innsbruck, U Ulm; 2019: AEA Meetings Atlanta, New York U, NYU Abu Dhabi (ESA conf), Simon-Fraser-U (ESA conf), U Dijon (ESA conf), U Duisburg-Essen (VfS workshop), U Geneva, U Graz (NOeG conf), U Mannheim, U Stuttgart, U Toronto; 2020: Middlebury College (MiddleExLab), HU Berlin (VfS workshop), U College Dublin (workshop), U Gothenburg, U Maastricht, U Venice Ca' Foscari; 2021: Budapest Games 2020 conference, EMLV Business School Paris, ESA Global Online Meeting, George Mason U, Young Economists Meeting at Masaryk U, Brno (keynote), Prague University of Economics and Business, U Konstanz, U Minho (NIPE, Braga), U Sydney (Sydney experimental seminar); 2022: Free U Berlin, IMT Lucca, U Amsterdam (CREED), U Bologna (European ESA meeting), U Innsbruck, Europan Actuarial Academy (Online: Convention A - Connecting Knowledge); 2023: Corvinius U, NYU Abu Dhabi, U Econ Bratislava, U Hamburg, U Lyon (ESA conf), UNSW; 2024: FU Berlin, GATE Lyon, HU Berlin, Queensland UT (FUR conf), UNSW, U Salzburg; 2025: ... invite me! ;-) .